
APW comes with several overhauls that enhance both gameplay and immersion.

Primary Overhauls

Mod Name Description Link
Maskar’s Oblivion Overhaul (MOO) Many new gameplay mechanics including lock bashing, trap disarming, animal taming, crafting, placeable player homes, more enemy variety, dynamic dungeon extensions, and much more. View Mod
Combat Additions Adds many new combat mechanics to the game such as lock on, timed block and dodge, arrow nocking and Skyrim style bash mechanics. View Mod
Simple Dual Wielding Allows you to dual wield melee weapons like Skyrim. View Mod
Ultimate Leveling Changes to how leveling works. View Mod
Av Latta Magicka Magic and Spell Overhaul. View Mod
De Rerum Dirennis Alchemy overhaul. View Mod
Immersive Quest Marker Overhaul Makes quest markers lead to the general area instead of directly to the thing. View Mod
Guild Advancement Extends the faction quest lines and adds skill requirements to rank up before the next quests are offered. You can no longer become archmage without casting magic nor lead the fighters guild without swinging a weapon. View Mod
Dahyka’s Vanilla Racials and Birthsigns Improved Makes vanilla racials and birthsigns more interesting. View Mod
Cyrodiil Transportation Network 2.0 Disables fast travel but adds a carriage and ship travel system via NPCs. Also adds mages who will teleport you around (for a fee) to each guild. View Mod


You should forget any retained knowledge from Vanilla Oblivion on efficient leveling, it does not exist here.

Experience is no longer gained by increasing your skills, and skills are no longer raised by using them. You gain experience from doing almost any task in the world. Unlocking chests and disarming traps, killing enemies, doing quests, finding lucky horseshoes, eating new ingredients, closing oblivion gates, etc. Thusly, training no longer increases your skills either but gives a flat amount of character xp instead. Sleeping will give up to an 8hr 25% bonus experience buff.

When you gain enough experience to increase your level, a message box will appear and you will be given a predetermined amount of attribute and skill points. In the character menu you can allocate these in any way that you wish. You will get a separate amount of skill points dedicated for your major skills and a lesser amount dedicated for using on minor skills.

There is an optional mod you can enable to change the system more similarly to vanilla where you level by raising your major/minor skills and skills are increased by using them. However you will still get a designated amount of attribute points to spend however you please each level, the min-maxing of vanilla will still not exist.


Fast traveling costs gold, to simulate the amount you would spend resting at inns and cost of resources. It is generally more expensive than using the alternative methods mentioned below as it is far more convenient. Fast traveling while on a horse will cut the time and cost in half.

As an alternative to fast travel, there are npcs in the basement of each Mages Guild who will teleport you to the guild of each major city. There are also npcs at each stable who will take you to other stables by carriage, and npcs at each dock location who will transport you by boat.