Lorerim 2.0 - Followers and Companions

By TheIncredibleSad

Lorerim 2.0 includes a plethora of followers and companions to accompany you on your journey. Each follower has their own unique dialogue and play style, making it important to choose the right companion for your adventure. This guide provides an overview of the new followers that have been added, as well as some details on vanilla followers you might want to reconsider. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination.

Modded Followers


image Auri is a female Bosmer archer located in her home near Falkreath. She has nearly 1,000 lines of dialogue, featuring interactions, scenes, and banter with other followers. Auri also has an approval system, allowing her to open up about herself and her past as you build your relationship.

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image Inigo, a male Khajiit, can be found in the Riften Jail. He excels in archery and sneak, making him a versatile companion for any class. Inigo is known for his extensive dialogue, interactions with other followers, and commentary on your choices and achievements.

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image Remi, a female Breton, is a follower well-suited for long playthroughs with over 4,500 lines of dialogue. She has a strong interest in the Dwemer, with a rich backstory and clear goals. You can find Remi at the Silver-Blood Inn in Markarth, where she’s looking to investigate a nearby Dwemer ruin.

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image Xelzaz, an Argonian follower, is located near the Southern Morrowind gate, east of Dayspring Canyon. With over 7,000 lines of dialogue, Xelzaz offers unique features and quests. He combines the best features of other followers with additional layers of depth.

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The Welkynar Knight

image The Welkynar Knight is both a follower and a quest mod that involves aiding an elven knight in a battle against the Thalmor. The quest features choice-based consequences and begins automatically upon receiving a letter from a courier.

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Vanilla Followers

All of the vanilla followers listed below have been enhanced with the Follower Dialogue Expansion mod, providing them with hundreds of new lines of dialogue. They are now more aware of the world and people around them, recognizing and commenting on your achievements, and engaging in small talk with other followers.

Faendal and Sven

Updated for Lorerim 2.0, these early game companions make great choices for your journey.

Uthgerd the Unbroken

Uthgerd is easy to recruit early in the game and serves as an excellent tank for any class.


Ysolda is now a full follower with lots of new dialogue, and new romance options should you choose to marry her.


Lydia has been overhauled with new dialogue. She’s a classic choice, and no follower list would be complete without her.

Jordis the Sword-Maiden

Often underrated, Jordis is the housecarl from Solitude after you become Thane. She functions similarly to Lydia, but with a different style.

Erik the Slayer

Erik is an interesting follower with his own alternate start option.

Mjoll the Lioness

Mjoll is a powerful warrior who despises the Thieves Guild, acting as a strong moral compass for the player. She also has her own quest, “Grimsever’s Return,” which adds depth to her character.

Brelyna Maryon

A skilled mage from the College of Winterhold, Brelyna specializes in Destruction and Conjuration magic. She’s a great choice for players seeking a magically inclined companion.

Aela the Huntress

Aela is a popular follower due to her combat skills and role in the Companions. As a member of the Circle, she has a unique connection to lycanthropy.


Known as “Jenasty,” Jenassa is a fantastic all-around follower located in the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun.

Follower Death/Injury

In Lorerim 2.0, followers can become injured or even be killed in combat. Be cautious during battles and keep an eye on your followers. You can heal them with a potion if they enter a kneeling state. If injured, followers will need time to recover before returning to full combat potential. Healing poultices are effective for both you and your followers.

Author’s Note

This guide is not meant to list every follower available in Lorerim 2.0, but rather highlight some new and improved options. Many other followers are available from vanilla game factions, locations, and quests, which may better fit specific roles or play styles. New lands and quest mods also introduce additional followers. Take time to talk to people and explore—you may be surprised at who’s willing to join you on your journey.

Lorerim is based on Requiem and enhanced by various mods and tweaks, making the early game significantly more challenging. This difficulty is intentional, and the game won’t be hard for long. Pick a follower or two early on that you like or that complement your build, but don’t go overboard. Lorerim is well-balanced, focusing on character progression and personal story. Be patient, plan well, and never give up. Happy hunting!