Requiem - A Roleplaying Overhaul for Skyrim

By BiggieBoss

Requiem is a project with the goal of turning Skyrim into a better roleplaying experience by making the game more immersive, semi-realistic, and coherent, with the intent to find a compromise between old school mechanics and more modern approaches. It’s too much to describe here, so if you are truly into roleplaying games, feel free to check it out.

Tips for Lorerim

  • You can change damage dealt/received in the Requiem MCM menu. Don’t feel bad about lowering it, especially if you’re new to Requiem.
  • You need to find crafting manuals to invest into smithing perks.
  • Perk trees are essentially useless without a perk invested in them. You get 3 perks to start with.
  • Standing stones are replaced with birthsigns. You can only switch birthsigns within your standing stone group (Warrior/Thief/Mage/Serpent).
  • Level 1-10: Fight small creatures and lightly armored bandits.
  • Level 11-20: Fight medium-sized creatures and any bandits.
  • Level 21-30: Fight larger creatures and undead.
  • Level 31-40: Fight forsworn and massive creatures.
  • Level 41-50: Fight vampires and boss monsters.
  • Level 51+: By this level, you should be able to fight anything.
  • Craft lantern fuel at cooking stations, use it with an empty lantern to create a lantern to use with quick light.
  • If playing with survival mode, make sure to be rested and well-fed.

LoreRim Changes from Vanilla Requiem

  • Resistance and Armor Rating caps to 75% reduction.
  • Diseases and poisons are blockable.
  • LoreRim incorporates Sacrilege as the vampire overhaul and Growl as the werewolf overhaul with their corresponding Requiem patches.
  • Werewolves have been further nerfed. You are weak to poison and silver. Your power is on an 1800-second delay. Your starting timer is only 60 seconds with +15 seconds per feed. You can’t just stay a werewolf forever.
  • Wintersun is incorporated with Ixion’s Wintersun nerfs as well as additional LoreRim nerfs. Prayer is a once per day power. You only start with 5 favor. LoreRim also uses the Wintersun Skillrate Alternative mod.
  • Races are handled through NoxCrab’s Tweaks (see the Articles page for Races Redone). I gave each race more starting carry weight and unarmed damage, though, as well as an additional skill boost to further diversify the starting choices.
  • Magic and Weapon perks are mostly handled through NoxCrab’s Tweaks and NoxCrab’s “Magic Redone” mod. Many custom changes were made, especially to One and Two-handed trees to better synergize with MCO.
  • Stealth perks are handled through NoxCrab’s Tweaks “Stealth Redone” as well as my own Lockpicking & Pickpocket reworks.