Lorerim Performance Optimization Guide

Lorerim is a heavy mod list with next-gen visuals but has been optimized for medium-spec users. Check out this guide to further improve performance.


  • Normal Profile: Offers better performance than the Ultra profile. The main difference is the use of Happy Little Trees instead of Nature of the Wild Lands and the absence of grass LODs.

CPU Affinity



Page File

Setting a Page File IS MANDATORY. You can see how to do this here.

Reloading Saves

Reloading saves frequently in Skyrim can negatively impact the game’s stability. Skyrim’s engine, known for its quirks, sometimes retains data from previous sessions even after a save is loaded. This can lead to increased memory usage, potential save file corruption, and more frequent crashes. By avoiding frequent reloads and instead playing continuously from a single save point, you help ensure smoother gameplay and reduce the risk of encountering these technical issues. Learn more.

Also Try

  • Lower Resolution: Try running on a lower resolution. You can set the resolution in F:\LoreRim\mods\LoreRim - MCM and INI Settings\SKSE\Plugins\SSEDisplayTweaks.ini.

  • VRAMR: Try running VRAMR.

  • BethINI: Use BethINI and choose a lower INI setting. Lorerim is based around the High setting with custom tweaks.

  • Disable TexGen and DynDoLod Outputs: You may need to start a new game if you disable these.

  • Disable ENB Completely: Disabling ENB can significantly improve performance.